Building the Brushing Tool Kit
Earlier this Spring, thanks to generous donations, Lowelifes picked up new electric trimmers for future trail work!
Lightweight but powerful, these electric Stihl hedge trimmers are excellent for remote brushing.
Electric tools have developed into fantastic assets for trail work. In the past, battery tools were weak and basically useless compared to gas powered tools. Positive developments in battery technology now allows for “gas free” work. Without flammable fuel in tow, trail work can be safer, lower fire risk, & better for the environment.
Lowelifes would love to expand our Brushing Tool Kit to include more of these great Stihl tools. With more hedgers available and in volunteer hands, we can really go to town & clear safe passage on overgrown trails.
Our Condor Peak Trail restoration will utilize these tools on almost every work day. An essential part of our kit, Lowelifes also wants to ensure our volunteers understand safe & proper usage. Trail leaders always give instruction to new volunteers.
We are excited to get these out on trail once USFS resumes volunteer work!