Rock The Rocks!
Our Lowelifes’ Volunteers have made great progress on the Condor Peak trail since restoration began in 2019. The lower section of trail has seen a large increase in regular use by hikers and mountain bikers. Online reviews of the trail commonly acknowledge the “well-maintained section of trail.” Rocky times are ahead and we are ready to rock some tools!
If you have visited the Condor Peak trail, you are well aware the trail dramatically narrows as it ascends. Furthermore, the remote middle section of Condor Peak navigates steep exposed rocky terrain. As the terrain shifts, so does our need for safe and efficient trail work.

Rocks! Yes, Condor has impressive rocks. These rock formations have been crumbling for thousands of years to become the loose sandy soil in the area. The work ahead of our volunteers is now with rocks! The trail can no longer be opened up with simple McLeods, picks, and shovels. We need to break up and shape rocks. Rock the rocks!
Tools specifically made to break up and shape rocks are expensive. Surprise! As we have now experienced, simple inexpensive picks and mattocks will break before they break rocks. Ha!

This upcoming phase of Condor Peak trail restoration will require these expensive rock tools. Quality tools will hold up to the brutal rock work. When a tool breaks, our volunteer time is wasted. Work ends for the day when your tools end. Let’s go rock the rocks!

How can you help? Join Lowelifes today as a member. Membership funds help us with operating expenses (insurance!) and all of our tool purchases. Or simply make a direct donation! All support is greatly appreciated.